This will be a short letter. There's not much time and I'm super tired....
Overall things here are good. Just tired from all the traveling and sitting that we've done...I'm at the point in the mission where it's more tiring to sit down all day than walk all day lol. Not used to it.
Random side thing. So normally for the zone leaders council we have it in a church. Today they took us somewhere cool. It was a small resort on the edge of the 2nd biggest crater in the world and it's the only crater where people live inside. It was pretty fancy and they gave us a good lunch. So that was cool =)
Funny thing of the week: While we were at the leaders council there were some llamas that were just there basically as decorations. One of the missionaries wanted to feed salt to one of the llamas. He tried with one and it just ignored him. Then he went over to another one and tenaciously tried to feed it. The llama sniffed his hand and then spewed spit all over his hand. It almost looked like the llama sneezed on him! It was so hilarious. We were all busting up laughing at him. There were about 20 people there that saw him do that. Bwahahahaha!!!!
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