The highlight of this week was that we had a baptism! They were the first baptisms that I've in 6 months and the first time that I've baptized someone in 8. Not that the mission is about baptizing, but it was nice to see after that much time =). The baptism went well, but it started out with some problems. We went to the church to clean the font and get the water going. We turned on the water and only a little stream came out....Darn. So we just went to lunch and then came back awhile later to see how it was doing. Not so good. It was not going to be filled up in time for the baptism. So we started thinking about ideas and then we remembered that there is a sistern that always has water in it. We didn't have keys to open it and we spent a lot of time trying to figure out who had them. Finally we got the keys to open it up and starting filling up the font by hand with buckets. I got completely soaked, but we at least got the font filled up enough to have the baptism =). I ended up baptizing 2 of the 3 kids. Sorry I don't have photos yet. I still don't have a camera and my companions weren't able to pass along the pictures before going =(
Quick update on our investigators. The Centeno Family is....well....not so great. They need to get married, but they have a lot of doubts and problems. To help them out we decided to visit them with an awesome sealed couple that we have in our ward. They did great, but Enrique and Sofia started arguing and it got kind of heated. So I'm not sure if they'll get married or separated still...This was on saturday night and they both came to church on sunday. The bad part is that they got there at different times and they didn't even want to sit by eachother...Yup....Pierro is doing great still. I think he'll be getting baptized pretty soon, maybe on the 30th it could happen. I guess we'll just see what his parents say =)
So, now some more big news. We had changes today and my companion Elder Thomas got called to be an assistant. So he left. My other companion Elder Tirado got sent off as well. Right now I'm waiting for my new companion to get here. You'll never guess who it is.....Elder Kingsford. My first companion in the Provo MTC! I was pretty happy to find out that he was going to be my companion. This is his first time out of the country part of Ecuador and his first time in the coast. It'll be pretty sweet to have Christmas with a gringo, especially since it's my first companion in the mission =).
Funny thing of the week: So on Tuco Tuesday we were contacting a bit and we talked to this old guy named Domingo. He's 93 years old and kind of crazy. We went back the next day to teach him but we could hardly do it because we were laughing so hard lol. So it was Elder Thomas' first time getting to know him and he asked how old he was. He told him he was 93. Elder Thomas didn't believe him and wanted to see his license to show him that it wasn't a joke. Now, you have to imagine an old guy with long, unkept hair who is wearing an old beat up truckers hat, a raggy shirt, and doesn't wear shoes. So he looks like that and he gave the response with complete certantity and seriousness. Domingo responded by saying, "The ocean!"........What? What do you mean the ocean? "Oh, well I was a contrabandist and I was transporting some stuff in a canoe and it tipped over and all my documents fell in the ocean"....Lol. We laughed so hard. Then we started talking about ancient prophets and we asked if he had heard of Noah. "Of couse....I heard him preaching". That made us laugh pretty hard too. At this point we could not even talk. We would get calmed down and then we'd hear someone else start to laugh and we'd all laugh. The funny part is, he's a crazy old man and didn't know we were laughing at him and he started to laugh along with us. Then we got our calm for a minute and got to Christ's Ministry. We talked about when Christ gave the authority to Peter and he said, "He's my uncle and he was a fisherman too". Oh Domingo. He's so funny =). He accepted a baptismal date for December 7th =).
Loser of the week (special episode): So we were walking to lunch with the Stakes 2nd councellor like normal. He lives in a dangerous part of the sector where there are lots of blacks (no offense), drugs and theives, but it's pretty calmish during the day. We were just barely getting into the dangerous part and a guy passes us and he looks at my plaque kind of weird. I didn't think anything of it because it's normal when people do that. Then all of a sudden someone grabs me from behind and sticks his hand into my left pocket and pulls out my hankerchief (I always have it there to dry off my sweat =)). He pulled it out and realized that it wasn't anything of value and gave it back to me and kept walking. I think that when he passed me he saw the rectangular shape of the hankercheif in my pocket and thought it was a wallet. Nope. Just a hankerchief....loser lol.
No I have not gotten my package yet, and I have a question. I heard that they were coming our with Playstation 4 and Xbox 1. Any information on that?
Elder Black
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