*Note: Skylar wanted me to post this so that everyone could have access to it. He put a lot of time into it and felt that it was important and valuable to share with everyone.
So here's the surpise. It's a large and still in the works list of all the scriptures that I have found while in the MTC/field. I went through all the scriptures in Preach My Gospel and all the scriptures that I had highlighted in my english scriptures and pulled all the good ones out and organized them by principle in Preach my Gospel. I have a hand written list of all these scriptures on a little piece of paper in my spanish scriptures so I can use them at any time during a lesson. Very helpful. It took me a few hours to type all of them up so be grateful! Print off a bunch and give them to friends, other missionaries in your district in the MTC, etc. Mom and Dad can also use it as a reference for teaching or whatever or anyone could use it for a topic study of something. Like I said, it isn't complete but it is a pretty good list. It will be a good headstart on your mission. Have fun =)
1. Restoration
God Is Our Loving Heavenly Father
Isaiah 55: 8-9-Gods ways are higher than ours
1 Nephi 17:36- God created the earth for us
2 Nephi 4:19-21- God is my support
2 Nephi 25:23- Mercy of God after all that we can do
Mosiah 4:9- God is all knowing
D&C 18-10- worth of souls is great in the sight of God
Moses 1:39- Behold, this is my work and my glory
D&C 130:18-23- God has a body of flesh and bone
Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel In Every Dispensation
Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God will do nothing except...
Jacob 4:13- The Holy Ghost witnesses/witnessed truths to prophets
D&C 1:38- whether by me or the prophets, it is the same
1 Nephi 13:26-27- Great and abominable church, many plain and precious truths were taken
1 Nephi 16:2- the wicked taketh the truth to be hard
Mosiah 27:13- the Gospel will be taken away when the people are wicked
D&C 1:15-16- How/why the Apostasy happened
Matt 24:9-11- prophecy of Apostasy when prophets are killed
2 Thess 2:3- shall come a falling away first
2 Tim 4:3-4- prophecy of Apostasy
Amos 8:11-12- A famine of the Gospel in the land
Isaiah 24:5- changing ordinances and covenants
Jacob 4:14- Jews killed the prophets because they turned away from Christ
Jacob 4:15-16- prophecy that the Jews will reject Christ
Resoration of the Gospel
Acts 3:20-21- restitution of all things(Gospel)
Ephesians 4:12-14- the need for a restitution of the Gospel
2 Tim 4:3-4- restitition of the complete Gospel
2 Nephi 27: 6,7,10,23,27-prophecy of the restoration, Joseph Smith, 3 Witnesses, and Book of Mormon
D&C 123:12- Kept from the truth because they don't know where to find it
2 Nephi 27- prophecy of the restoration in general
Book of Mormon
2 Corinthians 13:1- out of the mouth of 2 or 3 shall all things be established
Ezekiel 37:15-19- stick of Judah/Joseph
2 Nephi 29:3,4,7,11- Many shall hiss, "A Bible a Bible...", God reveals things in all nations
Moroni 7:16-17- if it is good, it is of God
Ether 4:12;Moroni 7:11-14;Alma 5:40- if it persuadeth man to do good, it is of God
D&C 1:38- Whether by me or my prophets, it is the same
2 Nephi 33:10-11- if you believe in Christ, you will believe in the Book of Mormon
Jacob 7:10-11- if you believe in scriptures but not in God, you don't understand the scriptures
Mosiah 1:3-5- scriptures contain the mysteries (the doctrine, mysteries because the world doesn't know the doctrin) of God
Pray to Know the Truth Through the Holy Ghost
Alma 5:45-46- the Holy Ghost will testify
Ephesians 4:5- one Lord, one faith, one baptism
James 1:5- if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God
D&C 9:7-9- if it is right you will feel a burning in the bosom
Jacob 4:8- You cannot study out the mysteries of God, they have to be revealed to you
Mosiah1:3- not knowing the mysteries of God (the doctrine) is ignorance
Jacob 4:10- don't counsel the Lord, recieve counsel
Proverbs 2:10- wisdom entereth into the heart, not the mind
2. Plan of SalvationIsaiah 55: 8-9-Gods ways are higher than ours
1 Nephi 17:36- God created the earth for us
2 Nephi 4:19-21- God is my support
2 Nephi 25:23- Mercy of God after all that we can do
Mosiah 4:9- God is all knowing
D&C 18-10- worth of souls is great in the sight of God
Moses 1:39- Behold, this is my work and my glory
D&C 130:18-23- God has a body of flesh and bone
Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel In Every Dispensation
Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God will do nothing except...
Jacob 4:13- The Holy Ghost witnesses/witnessed truths to prophets
D&C 1:38- whether by me or the prophets, it is the same
1 Nephi 13:26-27- Great and abominable church, many plain and precious truths were taken
1 Nephi 16:2- the wicked taketh the truth to be hard
Mosiah 27:13- the Gospel will be taken away when the people are wicked
D&C 1:15-16- How/why the Apostasy happened
Matt 24:9-11- prophecy of Apostasy when prophets are killed
2 Thess 2:3- shall come a falling away first
2 Tim 4:3-4- prophecy of Apostasy
Amos 8:11-12- A famine of the Gospel in the land
Isaiah 24:5- changing ordinances and covenants
Jacob 4:14- Jews killed the prophets because they turned away from Christ
Jacob 4:15-16- prophecy that the Jews will reject Christ
Resoration of the Gospel
Acts 3:20-21- restitution of all things(Gospel)
Ephesians 4:12-14- the need for a restitution of the Gospel
2 Tim 4:3-4- restitition of the complete Gospel
2 Nephi 27: 6,7,10,23,27-prophecy of the restoration, Joseph Smith, 3 Witnesses, and Book of Mormon
D&C 123:12- Kept from the truth because they don't know where to find it
2 Nephi 27- prophecy of the restoration in general
Book of Mormon
2 Corinthians 13:1- out of the mouth of 2 or 3 shall all things be established
Ezekiel 37:15-19- stick of Judah/Joseph
2 Nephi 29:3,4,7,11- Many shall hiss, "A Bible a Bible...", God reveals things in all nations
Moroni 7:16-17- if it is good, it is of God
Ether 4:12;Moroni 7:11-14;Alma 5:40- if it persuadeth man to do good, it is of God
D&C 1:38- Whether by me or my prophets, it is the same
2 Nephi 33:10-11- if you believe in Christ, you will believe in the Book of Mormon
Jacob 7:10-11- if you believe in scriptures but not in God, you don't understand the scriptures
Mosiah 1:3-5- scriptures contain the mysteries (the doctrine, mysteries because the world doesn't know the doctrin) of God
Pray to Know the Truth Through the Holy Ghost
Alma 5:45-46- the Holy Ghost will testify
Ephesians 4:5- one Lord, one faith, one baptism
James 1:5- if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God
D&C 9:7-9- if it is right you will feel a burning in the bosom
Jacob 4:8- You cannot study out the mysteries of God, they have to be revealed to you
Mosiah1:3- not knowing the mysteries of God (the doctrine) is ignorance
Jacob 4:10- don't counsel the Lord, recieve counsel
Proverbs 2:10- wisdom entereth into the heart, not the mind
2 Nephi 31- Plan of Salvation in general
Pre-Earth Life
Matt 5:48- be ye therefore perfect(complete)
Romans 8:16-18- we are children and heirs of God
Acts 17:29- we are children of God
Jeremiah 11:5 before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee
Moses 1:39- behold this is my work and my glory…..
Job 38:4-7- we shouted for joy before the world was
D&C 138:55-56- we had classes/instruction in the premortal life
Abraham 3:22-26- noble and great ones helped with the creation
The Creation
1 Nephi 17:36- God created the Earth for us
Alma 30:44- All things denote that there is a God
Genesis 1:26-31- the Creation
Abraham 3:22-26
Agency and the Fall
2 Nephi 2:11- must needs be an opposition in all things
2 Nephi 2- the Fall and Agency in general
Genesis 1:26-31- the creation of Adam and Eve
2 Nephi 2:25- Adam fell that men might be
Alma 12:22-34- the purpose of the Fall
Life On Earth
Matt 6:24- cannot serve 2 masters
Matt 11:28-30- my burden is easy and my yoke light
2 Nephi 9:6- death is a necessary step of life
Alma 12:24- life is a probationary state
Alma 34: 32-34- life is the time to prepare to meet God
D&C 131:6- man cannot be saved in ignorance (learn the gospel during life)
1 Corinthians 10:13- we are not tempted above that which we are able
The Atonement
2 Nephi 2:6-7- Christ sacrificed himself for us
Alma 7:11-13- What/why of the Atonement
Alma 34:8-10- Atonement is essential, we would be lost
Matthew 27:34-54- Jesus on the cross
Mosiah 14:3-6- he is despised and rejected of men
Spirit World
1 Peter 3:18-20- Gospel is preached to the dead in the Spirit World
D&C 137:7-10- what happens to those that didn’t accept the gospel on earth
Alma 34:34- Spirits are eternal, we will have another life after this
Alma 40:11-14- All people go to spirit world in 1 of 2 states
Resurrection, Judgement, and Immortality
1 Corinthians 15:12-14- there is resurrection
2 Nephi 9.14-15- we will be reminded of our works and will be judged
Alma 5:15-21- we will be judged by our works. Can you say that you lived well?
John 3:16- we will have everlasting life
D&C 14:7- the greatest gift is eternal life
Moroni 7:40-41- through Christ we are resurrected
Alma 40:20- not a hair shall be lost, all shall be restored to its proper and perfect condition
1 John 3:2 we wil be like Christ
Philipians 3:21- we can have a body like Christ
Kingdoms of Glory1 Corintians 15:39-42; D&C 76- Degrees of Glory
3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
3 Nephi 27:13-22- the Gospel of Jesus Christ
2 Nephi 31
Through Christ We Can Be Cleansed
Mosiah 3:17- we can only be saved through Christ
Moroni 6:8- we will always be forgiven
2 Nephi 2:6-8- redemption cometh through the Messiah
Alma 32:21- faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things
Faith in Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians10:13- not tempted above that which ye are ableD&C 82:10- when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise
1 Nephi 7:12- God can do anything if you have faith
Moroni 7:33- If ye have faith, you can do what God asks
Nephi 3:7- Lord giveth no commandments that you can't keep
2 Corinthians 5:7- walk by faith, not by sight
Matt 11:28-30- by burden is light and my yoke easy
2 Nephi 25:33-mercy of God after all that we can do
Mosiah 4:12- repentance brings the love of God
Mosiah 27- if they can repent, anyone can
Alma 19:33- repentance=no desire to do evil
Moroni 6:8- we will always be forgiven
3 Nephi 27:19- no unclean thing can dwell with God
D&C 19:16-18- if ye repent not, you will suffer as God
Romans 3:23- everyone sins
2 Nephi 30:12- anyone that repents is chosen of God
Mosiah 26:29-35- steps of repentance
Alma 34:33- don't procrastinate the day of your repentance
Baptism Mark 1:10; Acts 8:38-39- baptism by immersion
John 3:5- except a man be born of water and of spirit...
1 Corinthians 15:29- baptisms for the dead
2 Nephi 31:10-13- follow Christ by being baptized
Moroni 8:10-12- infant baptism
Moroni 8:25-26- baptism if the first fruits of repentance
Ephesians 4:5- one Lord, one faith, one baptism
3 Nephi 11:38- if you are not baptized you can't enter into the kingdom of God
Mosiah 3:16- the Atonement covers children that weren't baptized during their life
2 Nephi 9:24- if we are not baptized and endure to the end we will be damned
D&C 68:25- parents havethe responsibility to teach baptism to their children, baptized at 8 years
Acts 2:47- have to be a member of Gods church to be saved
Acts 16:32-33- a jailer was baptized that night (you don't have to be super prepared to be baptized)
2 Nephi 31:5- how much more do we need baptism
D&C 20:37- requirements for baptism
Mosiah 5:7-9- we change most after baptism
Acts 2:47- have to be a member of Gods church to be saved
Acts 16:32-33- a jailer was baptized that night (you don't have to be super prepared to be baptized)
2 Nephi 31:5- how much more do we need baptism
D&C 20:37- requirements for baptism
Mosiah 5:7-9- we change most after baptism
Gift of the Holy Ghost
2 Nephi 32:5- the Holy Ghost will tell you all things what you should do
Mosiah 2:36- the Holy Ghost leaves when we sin
Moroni 8:26- feelings that the Holy Ghost brings
D&C 8:2- how the Holy Ghost testifies
D&C 130:18-23- the Holy Ghost is a spirit and can dwell in us
John 14:26- the Holy Ghost brings all things to rememberance
Jacob 4:13- the Holy Ghost speaks things as the really are, does not lie
Endure to the End
2 Nephi 9:24- if we are not baptized and endure to the end we will be damned
1 Corinthians 10:13- not tempted above what we are able
James 2:17-18- faith without works is dead
2 Nephi 25:23- the mercy of God, after all that we can do
2 Nephi 31:20- if ye endure ye shall have eternal life
Matt 7:21- not everyone that says,"Lord Lord" will be saved
D&C 82:10- when ye do not what I say ye have no promise
Matt 24:13- he that endures the same shall be saved
2 Nephi 31:14-16- better of ye had ye not known me, have to endure to be saved
Alma 7:15-16- have to repent and be baptized to be saved
Matt 12:30- if you're not with me, you're against me
2 Nephi 9- endure to the end in general
D&C 27:2- doesn't matter what we use in the Sacrament
Moroni 4,5- the Sacrament prayers
4./5.The Commandments/Laws and OrdinancesMosiah 2:36- the Holy Ghost leaves when we sin
Moroni 8:26- feelings that the Holy Ghost brings
D&C 8:2- how the Holy Ghost testifies
D&C 130:18-23- the Holy Ghost is a spirit and can dwell in us
John 14:26- the Holy Ghost brings all things to rememberance
Jacob 4:13- the Holy Ghost speaks things as the really are, does not lie
Endure to the End
2 Nephi 9:24- if we are not baptized and endure to the end we will be damned
1 Corinthians 10:13- not tempted above what we are able
James 2:17-18- faith without works is dead
2 Nephi 25:23- the mercy of God, after all that we can do
2 Nephi 31:20- if ye endure ye shall have eternal life
Matt 7:21- not everyone that says,"Lord Lord" will be saved
D&C 82:10- when ye do not what I say ye have no promise
Matt 24:13- he that endures the same shall be saved
2 Nephi 31:14-16- better of ye had ye not known me, have to endure to be saved
Alma 7:15-16- have to repent and be baptized to be saved
Matt 12:30- if you're not with me, you're against me
2 Nephi 9- endure to the end in general
D&C 27:2- doesn't matter what we use in the Sacrament
Moroni 4,5- the Sacrament prayers
Mosiah 2:22- God blesses us when we keep the commandments
D&C 35:24- God rejoices when we keep the commandments
John 14:15,21- if ye love me, keep my commandments
Pray Often
2 Nephi 32:8-9- Devil teaches you not to pray, pray always
Alma 34:17-28- pray over everything
Moroni 10:3-5- how we should pray
D&C 19:28- pray vocally and in private
Study the Scriptures
2 Nephi 25:26- scriptures preach of Christ, know where to look for a remission of sins
2 Nephi 31:19-20;32:3- feast upon the words of Christ
D&C 1:37-38- search the scriptures, promises/blessings will be fulfilled
2 Nephi 29:11-out of the books we will be judged
John 5:39- study the scriptures, for they testify of me
Mosiah 1:3-5- scriptures contain the mysteries of God
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
Nehemiah 13:15-21- don't buy or sell on the Sabbath
D&C 59:9-16- day of rest
Exodus 20:8-10- commandment of Day of Rest
Moroni 6:4-6- we get support from the Church
Isaiah 58:13-14- if you keep this commandment in his way, Gody will bless you
Mosiah 18:25- they met once a week to worship
Exodus 16:22-26- gathered more mana the day before the Sabbath so they wouldn't have to work the next day
Follow the Prophet
D&C 1:38- whether by me or my prophets, it is the same
Amos 3:7- surely the Lord God will do nothing...his servants the prophets
D&C 121:34- many are called, few are chosen
Keep the 10 Commandments
Mosiah 2:22- we are blessed when we keep the commandments
D&C 35:24- God rejoices when wekeep the commandments
Exodus 20:1-17- the 10 Commandments
D&C 59:5- commandment to love God
1 Nephi 3:7- Lord will provide a way to keep his commandments
2 Nephi 1:20- if we don't keep the commandments, we will be cut off from his presence
Law of Chastity
Jacob 2- chastity in general
Romans 1:27- no gay marriage
D&C 42:22-24- though shall not commit adultery
D&C 63:16- lust drives out the Spirit
Matt 5:27-28- committed adultery in his heart
Ephesians 5:3-5- coveting, fornication, is bad...
Romans 1:27-32- those who voilate this law knowingly will be condemned
Jacob 3:12- fornication is bad
Jacob 3:3- you need to have clean thoughts
Word of Wisdom
Proverbs 31:4-8- very clear, drinking wine is bad
Numbers 6:3-4- no wine or beer
Isaiah 5:11- no coffee
Luke 1:15- no wine or strong drink
D&C 89- Word of Wisdom
Daniel 1- didn't drink wine and ate more healthy, he was better off than the others
Proverbs 20:1- wine/coffee are bad, whoso is decieved is not wise
Judges 13:2-5,13-14- should not drink wine or strong drink. Why would the angel say not to drink these things?
Malachi 3:10- bring all the tithes into my storehouse
Hebrews 7:12- Abraham payed tithing
D&C 119- commandment to pay tithing
Law of the Fast
Omni 1:26- if we fast, we will be saved
Isaiah 58:6-11- blessings of fasting
Exodus 34:28- don't eat or drink during a fast
Eternal Marriage
1 Peter 3:7- together, heirs of life
Matt 16:18-19- keys to bind of earth and heaven
Hebrews 13:4- marriageis honorable
Common Problems of InvestigatorsMosiah 2:22- God blesses us when we keep the commandments
D&C 35:24- God rejoices when we keep the commandments
John 14:15,21- if ye love me, keep my commandments
Pray Often
2 Nephi 32:8-9- Devil teaches you not to pray, pray always
Alma 34:17-28- pray over everything
Moroni 10:3-5- how we should pray
D&C 19:28- pray vocally and in private
Study the Scriptures
2 Nephi 25:26- scriptures preach of Christ, know where to look for a remission of sins
2 Nephi 31:19-20;32:3- feast upon the words of Christ
D&C 1:37-38- search the scriptures, promises/blessings will be fulfilled
2 Nephi 29:11-out of the books we will be judged
John 5:39- study the scriptures, for they testify of me
Mosiah 1:3-5- scriptures contain the mysteries of God
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
Nehemiah 13:15-21- don't buy or sell on the Sabbath
D&C 59:9-16- day of rest
Exodus 20:8-10- commandment of Day of Rest
Moroni 6:4-6- we get support from the Church
Isaiah 58:13-14- if you keep this commandment in his way, Gody will bless you
Mosiah 18:25- they met once a week to worship
Exodus 16:22-26- gathered more mana the day before the Sabbath so they wouldn't have to work the next day
Follow the Prophet
D&C 1:38- whether by me or my prophets, it is the same
Amos 3:7- surely the Lord God will do nothing...his servants the prophets
D&C 121:34- many are called, few are chosen
Keep the 10 Commandments
Mosiah 2:22- we are blessed when we keep the commandments
D&C 35:24- God rejoices when wekeep the commandments
Exodus 20:1-17- the 10 Commandments
D&C 59:5- commandment to love God
1 Nephi 3:7- Lord will provide a way to keep his commandments
2 Nephi 1:20- if we don't keep the commandments, we will be cut off from his presence
Law of Chastity
Jacob 2- chastity in general
Romans 1:27- no gay marriage
D&C 42:22-24- though shall not commit adultery
D&C 63:16- lust drives out the Spirit
Matt 5:27-28- committed adultery in his heart
Ephesians 5:3-5- coveting, fornication, is bad...
Romans 1:27-32- those who voilate this law knowingly will be condemned
Jacob 3:12- fornication is bad
Jacob 3:3- you need to have clean thoughts
Word of Wisdom
Proverbs 31:4-8- very clear, drinking wine is bad
Numbers 6:3-4- no wine or beer
Isaiah 5:11- no coffee
Luke 1:15- no wine or strong drink
D&C 89- Word of Wisdom
Daniel 1- didn't drink wine and ate more healthy, he was better off than the others
Proverbs 20:1- wine/coffee are bad, whoso is decieved is not wise
Judges 13:2-5,13-14- should not drink wine or strong drink. Why would the angel say not to drink these things?
Malachi 3:10- bring all the tithes into my storehouse
Hebrews 7:12- Abraham payed tithing
D&C 119- commandment to pay tithing
Law of the Fast
Omni 1:26- if we fast, we will be saved
Isaiah 58:6-11- blessings of fasting
Exodus 34:28- don't eat or drink during a fast
Eternal Marriage
1 Peter 3:7- together, heirs of life
Matt 16:18-19- keys to bind of earth and heaven
Hebrews 13:4- marriageis honorable
All Churches Are True
Acts 2:41-47- have to be a member of Gods church to be saved
1 Nephi 14:10,12- only 2 churches, Gods and Devils
Mosiah 18:16-17- the name of the Church was "Christ" (before our church there wasn't historically another church that had Christs name in the title of the church)
1 Nephi 13:26- many plain and precious truths were taken
1 Corinthians 1:10,13- be unified, Christ is not divided
Matt 7:21- not everone that shall say "Lord Lord" shall be saved
Luke 6:13- Crhist called Apostles (not the Pope)
Mark 3:24-25- a divided kingdom cannot stand
Matt 17:14-20- not everything that is done in the same of God is vaild/works
Ephesians 4:11-14- and to some he gave prophets, no more tossed to and fro by unsound doctrine
Ephesians 4:5- One Lord, one faith, one baptism
2 Nephi 28:3-5- many false churches shall rise and claim that they are of God
2 Nephi 28- if al churches are true, does this sound right?
Mosiah 4:14- fighting serves the devil, (churches fighting with eachother)
Why isn't Joseph Smith in the Bible? (Joseph Smith, apostasy, restoration)
It doesn't say "Jesus" in the Old Testament....
Matt 24:9-11- prophecy of Apostasy when prophets die
2 Thess 2:3- there shall come a falling away first
2 Timothy 4:3-4- sound doctrine will not endure
Ezekiel 37:15-19- stick of Judah/Joseph (Bible/Book of Mormon)
Acts 3:20-22- restoration through a prophet
2 Corinthians 13:1-out of the mouth of 2 or 3 wil all things come to pass (Bible and Book of Mormon are 2 or 3 witnesses)
Malachi 3:1- a messenger will prepare the way for me (2nd Coming)
Isaiah 29:11-12- a sealed book is delivered to one that is not learned
Revelations 14:6-7- I saw an angel with the everlasting gospel (Moroni with the Book of Mormon)
Matt 21:42-43- Gospel will be taken from the Jews and restored to the Gentiles
Heb 9:16-17- prophecy of the death of Joseph Smith
Priesthood Authority
Hebrews 6:20- Jesus had Melchisedec priesthood and so do we
Romans 10:15- need authority to preach
Hebrews 5:4-6- must be called of God
John 15:16- God has to choose you (can't choose yourself)
2 Peter 1:20-21- scriptures are not for private interpretation (Rock of Peter/Christ, Christ made Peter the leader of his Church)
Matt 10:1- power or authority to cast out unclean spirits
Hebrews 7- priesthood in general
Mosiah 21:33- wanted to be baptized, but nobody had the authority
Only 144,000 people will be saved/live with God (Jehovah's Witness belive this 12,000/ each of the 12 tribes of Israel-Rev 7)
Revelations 7:9- more will be saved than can be counted, obviously more that 144,000 people
2 Nephi 30:2- anyone that repents is chosen of God
2 Nephi 33:12- All can be saved
Modern Revelation/prophets
Mormon 9:7-10- he who denies prophets and revelation does not know God
Amos 3:7- surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets to the prophets
Proverbs 11:14- where there is counsel (revelation and counsel of prophets) there is safety
Why don't we worship the Virgin Mary
Luke 11:27- blessed are they that keep the word of the Lord, not Mary
Deuteronomy 33:1-3-saints are members of the Church, not idols or images
1 Timothy 2:15- chirst is the only mediator with the Father
2 Kings 17:12- don't worship idols
Hebrews 9:27- we die once, then we're judged
Jacob 4:13- if it wasn't manifested to a prophet by the Holy Ghost is isn't of God, the Holy Ghost doesn't lie
How to overcome addiction
Mosiah 7:33- if you turn to the Lord he will deliver you from bondage(addiction)

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